LANmark-OF Aggregation Assembly MTP/F-4XDLC

  • Factory terminated fibre assembly
  • Fibre assembly with Female MTP towards 4x uniboot DLC connectors
  • Female MTP connector for connecting to QSFP+ transceiver on switch
  • Uniboot DLC connectors for patching on front of patch panel
  • Aggregation of 4X 10G channels on patch panel into 1x 40G port on switch
  • Fibre type: OM3 and OM4
  • 8 core
  • Low loss connectivity performance: max of 0,3 dB per connection




    ISO/IEC 11801:2002/Amd 1:2008/Cor 1:2008


A round cable with a diameter of 3,65 mm is terminated on one side with a female MTP*-connector. The other side is terminated as a fan-out with uniboot duplex LC connectors. The round fan-out legs contain 2 fibres.  The lengths between the fan-out point and each uniboot connector is equal and typically 1m (fan out A) or 2m (fan out C). The length between the MTP-connector and the fan-out point is variable and can be increased in steps of 1 m.

The cable features a small bend radius of 40mm and has bend insensitive fibres inside.

The cable is flame non propagation (IEC 60332-1) and fire non propagation (IEC 60332-3).



The assembly allows to aggregate 4X 10G channels from the front of a patch panel into 1x 40G port on a switch.

The female MTP-connector fits with the male MTP connector inside the 40G QSFP+ port of the switch.



The MTP connector has a low loss performance. Typical value for the insertion loss for the low loss MTP-MTP connection is 0.125 dB. The limit value is 0.3 dB measured according to standard IEC 61300-3-45.


Consistent quality

In order to produce high quality, reliable pre-terminated multi-fibre cables, there are a number of physical characteristics that must be addressed. Therefore, all LANmark-OF Pre-Terms are fully terminated and tested in a quality assured factory environment.   They are delivered with these test results.

* MTP is a trade name of US Conec